Models Become Their Favorite Foods In Photographic Series

Most Amazing Artwork of Food Photography

Stunning Food Photographic Series with amazing Artwork on the face of men. These fruits look really amazing on the face. The picture, as we know, does not record smell. And that’s one of the good points for this (very) good food photography series. Looking at these models’ favorite food can be a temptation for the stomach.

Then imagine if you could be in a picture of your favorite food? Photographer Junior Light took this idea seriously and turned models in their favorite foods.We interviewed Junior Luz exclusively to find out the details of the realization of this project and plans for the future. “I always look at people and imagined their faces covered in food,” he says. The fun “CARA-COMIDA” (Face-Food) project brings a different vision of our desires and tastes”, – he says.

 Beautiful Artwork with Food Material
