20 Adorable Miniature Pig Photographs

Top Most collection of Mini Pigs

Love your pig. Pigs, like most animals, enjoy interaction with their 'person' and it is not unusual to see a pig lying down for a tummy tickle. Check local regulations to make sure keeping a pig is legal in your neighborhood.

Be sure you have the means to keep a pig healthy and happy.
Pigs are very social, so you need to be able to spend time interacting with the pig, and you need to be able to assert yourself as the leader (much like with dogs) or else you'll end up with a spoiled, pushy and possibly aggressive pig, which could be dangerous for children. Consider getting two pigs so that they can keep each other company, as well.
Remember that pigs are very smart and curious. Once they learn how to do something (pull up the carpet, open the fence door, and so on) they won't forget, and you need to stay one step ahead of them. They can also be very sneaky, not unlike a toddler who'll try to manipulate you to get their way. It's important to keep them preoccupied and
stimulated, or else they can be destructive when bored.
Pigs should have an area outside where they can exercise their rooting instinct.
Consider the lifespan of a pig and the associated costs. Pigs can live up to 20 years, and they will need food, regular vaccinations, and hoof and tusk trims, in addition to being spayed or neutered. If you move, will you be able to bring the pig with you?

Adopt or purchase a pig from a reputable breeder. A piglet from a pet store or farm might seem cute, but it might also turn into an unhealthy and unsocialized nightmare. Visit the breeder's facility and ask to see the parents of the prospective piglet (the sire and the dam) so you can judge their temperaments and know what to expect with yours

Make sure they have access to a wallow to ensure the proper regulation of body temperature, particularly in hot weather because they don't sweat and this is the only way that they can stay cool.

Be careful of the free range method as they 'root' and can turn a reasonably large area into a plowed field in no time.
